Women Inspire Us

Women sharing,
women coming together
Our community is a vibrant network of women. Since 2012, we’ve been connecting over shared experiences, building each other up, and cheering each other on. Now we’re coming together virtually to support each other through the pandemic—and you’re invited. We find so much inspiration from all the women coming together to uplift the next generation, as we move toward a more equitable future for all women and girls.
Lifting up our Community
Resources for Change
Women helping women is foundational to our mission.
Empower a girl, transform a community | Kakenya Ntaiya
Kakenya Ntaiya turned her dream of getting an education into a movement to empower vulnerable girls and bring an end to harmful traditional practices in Kenya. Meet two students at the Kakenya Center for Excellence, a school where girls can live and study safely — and uplift their community along the way. “When you empower a girl, you transform a community,” Ntaiya says.
How to build your confidence — and spark it in others | Brittany Packnett
Confidence is the necessary spark before everything that follows,” says educator and activist Brittany Packnett. In an inspiring talk, she shares three ways to crack the code of confidence — and her dream for a world where revolutionary confidence helps turn our most ambitious dreams into reality.
We should all be feminists | Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie a renowned Nigerian novelist was born in Nigeria in 1977. She grew up in the university town of Nsukka, Enugu State where she attended primary and secondary schools, and briefly studied Medicine and Pharmacy. She then moved to the United States to attend college, graduating summa cum laude from Eastern Connecticut State University with a major in Communication and a minor in Political Science.
The power of defining yourself | Amma Asante
Amma Asante is the director of the Hollywood hit movie Belle and found that working in Hollywood where only 0.4% of directors are black females, she has been under pressure to live up to a definition bestowed upon her; one that did not match own own self definition. A passionate speaker, Amma asks us to consider that we are all a combination of many worlds put together and when those worlds meet, progress can follow.