Education Reimagined
Stress impacts learning
2528 Children Sponsored
Stress and trauma experienced in adolescence contribute to risk factors associated with higher levels of violence including anger, impulsivity, low grades, suspensions and dropping out of school.
Schools that incorporate our Quiet Time program into their curriculum equip young Ugandan girls with the resilience to attain further education, overcome gender inequities, start businesses and improve their communities.
The core element of the Quiet Time program is Transcendental Meditation® (TM), an evidence-based approach to reducing toxic stress and violence, as well as improving academic performance. TM is an easy to practice, secular and extensively researched form of meditation. Quiet Time introduces two restful 15-minute periods into the day.
Our model is adapted to fit the context of each school we work in. The Quiet Time programs are implemented directly in schools. Schools that are interested in more information are encouraged to contact us.

The Quiet Time Program has shown…
10% improvement in test scores—and a narrowing of the achievement gap
Education 131: 556–565, 2011
Highly effective for increasing creativity
Intelligence 29: 419-440, 2001
Improved teacher retention and reduced teacher burnout
Permanante Journal 18 (1): 19-23, 2014
Greater happiness, focus and self-confidence
Military Medicine 176 (6): 626-630, 2011
Reduced ADHD symptoms and symptoms of other learning disorders
Mind & Brain: The Journal of Psychiatry 2 (1): 73-81, 2011
86% reduction in suspensions over two years
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 1:10, 2003
40% reduction in psychological distress, including stress, anxiety and depression
American Journal of Hypertension 22(12): 1326-1331, 2009
42% decrease in insomnia
Journal of Counseling and Development 64: 212-215, 1985

Peace High School
Honorable Erinah Rutangye and her husband Martin Rutangye are the Directors of Peace High School in Kampala where the Transcendental Meditation technique has been offered since 2012 as the Quiet Time Program.
Hon. Rutangye describes the program and the benefits for students that they have noticed…
Peace High School has offered instruction in the Transcendental Meditation technique to our students, currently with 40 participants. The school has timetabled 20 minutes from 7:00-7:20AM and 5:00-5:20PM as quiet time for the whole school. Those who meditate have a special room for meditating and the rest of the students stay in their classes during the quiet time.
Our meditators have made us really proud. They are punctual, helpful to other students, and smart. They are good at sports and in class. We generally don’t have boy-girl problems, however, our TM girl students are more confident while talking to boys. So far our students who meditate are showing themselves to be top performers on O level exams. That alone tells that TM is sharpening their brains.

EDAPO School
EDAPO (Economic Development and AIDS Prevention Organization), situated just north of the capital of Kampala, provides food, shelter, education, and basic medical care to hundreds of children orphaned by the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Over half of these children are also living with HIV/AIDS. The EDAPO school has implemented the Transcendental Meditation practice for its students. School leaders have found that the Transcendental Meditation technique has helped these children overcome depression and has brought back the spark of joy for them.

TM Club for University Women
We offer women in higher education the opportunity to come together to enjoy group meditation, advanced lectures, seminars and short courses, volunteer work and meetings with international leaders. Because the strength of society and the character of national life directly depend on the quality of consciousness of the women of the nation, it is through the personal growth and enlightenment of women everywhere that we will most effectively and peacefully transform the world.