Advisory Board
Located in Uganda
In Alphabetical Order

Hon. Babiiha was a Member of Parliament for 10 years during which time she chaired the Women’s Parliamentarians Association, and has served as Chairperson of the Association of Former Members of Parliament with over 500 members. She continues to be actively involved in election activities. She is a registered nurse with a degree in Health Planning and a diploma in Health Administration from Makerere University. She is married with four children.

Rukmini is Executive Director of Kiboko Group of Companies in Uganda. She also owns and runs two businesses—Pure Healthy Living, a health and wellness consulting business; and Health Coach Success Tools, an online business for mentoring and providing training to health coaches on how to establish their practice. She has an MA in Business Administration from Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, IA USA. She also holds certifications as a Raw Food Chef from Living Light Institute, Fort Bragg, CA; as a Health Coach from Institute of Integrative Nutrition, NY; and as a Yoga Teacher from Yoga Alliance.

Hon. Kiryapawo has served as a Member of Parliament for 10 years in total. She is a member of the Executive Board of African Queens and Women Cultural Leaders Network (AQWCLN). She has a Master’s degree in International Relations, and was previously an agriculturalist with a diploma from Busitema University. She is married with six children.

Maleni Mukirya Beatrice is Secretary of Womens Affairs, Uganda Nurses and Midwives Union (UNMU); Senior Nursing Officer, Arua Regional Hospital, and Regional Chairperson, West Nile UNMY.

Brenda is founder (2009) and Executive Director of United Women’s Platform for Empowerment and Development (UWOPED), serving over 600 women and their children. UWOPED provides training programs to help transform women’s lives. She has a BA in Women and Gender Studies from Makerere University. She is a mother with one child.

Born in Masaka district, Nambatya is an outspoken scientist who has been at the forefront of advocating for holistic and balanced nutrition to promote health for Ugandans for over 10 years. She holds a MS and PhD in Medical Chemistry from Louhborough University of Science and Technology, Leicestershire, England. Dr. Grace is a member of the top management of the Ministry of Health, serving as the director of research at the Natural Chemotherapeutics Research Institute. She is a board member of the National Drug Authority, representing interests of research about indigenous medicines.
Nambatya is a seasoned motivational speaker in the area of health through community platforms such as The Rotary Club as well as educational and religious institutions. She is currently coordinating the larviciding program (fighting malaria through killing mosquitoes at the source), meant to introduce a fourth pillar in the strategy to fight malaria in Uganda. She has written informative booklets on health management through harnessing our biodiversity for purposes of building capacity in awareness of the environment around us. Nambatya received the Independence Medal in recognition for her contribution to the development of Uganda as a woman, on Women’s Day 8/05/15.
Nambatya is a seasoned motivational speaker in the area of health through community platforms such as The Rotary Club as well as educational and religious institutions. She is currently coordinating the larviciding program (fighting malaria through killing mosquitoes at the source), meant to introduce a fourth pillar in the strategy to fight malaria in Uganda. She has written informative booklets on health management through harnessing our biodiversity for purposes of building capacity in awareness of the environment around us. Nambatya received the Independence Medal in recognition for her contribution to the development of Uganda as a woman, on Women’s Day 8/05/15.

Hon. Rutangye was a Member of Parliament for 5 years and has worked with several NGOs that deal with peace and moral and family values. She is Chairperson of the Executive Board of African Queens and Women Cultural Leaders Network (AQWCLN). She and her husband Martin Rutangye are the Founders and Directors of Peace High School in Kampala. She has a B. Com degree and diplomas in Project Planning and Management, Computer Programing, and Data Base Management, and has vast experience working with reputable finance institutions. They have six children.

Omugo Rebecca is the wife of Kamuswaga sansa Apollo Kabumbuli II, the hereditary cultural leader of Kooki Cultural Institution. She plays an active role in helping promote programs for the well-being of the women of Kooki, and is also a member of the African Queens and Women Cultural Leaders Network (AQWCLN). They have two daughters.

It has been our great honor to have Hon. Kwizera as a member of our Advisory Board for the last several years. She served in Parliament for five years. She graduated with a BA degree and certificate in Counseling, and used her vast experience in this area working with Compassion International serving disadvantaged women in Uganda, and working as a grassroots mobilizer. We lovingly pay tribute to her contributions to AWAGO and her endearing friendship.
Located in USA

Dr. Brown is Executive Director of The Communiversity of South Africa, Vrygrond, Cape Town, SA and President of the CIDA Foundation, Fairfield, Iowa USA. She has been working in the field of human development and education for over thirty years, earning a PhD from University of California at Berkeley in Educational Psychology, and two Masters’ degrees in psychology and international education. She is the author or co-author of four books, including one on personal greatness. For her work with Communiversity, she was selected to receive a 2013 World of Difference award from The International Alliance for Women for creating economic opportunity for women in Africa.

Dr. King is a member of the board of Trustees at Maharishi University of Management, USA. She is also a Senior Researcher at Maharishi University of Management Research Institute and Professor in the Department of Physiology and Health. She conducted the first federally funded research projects involving the Transcendental Meditation technique and is actively involved in research on the effects of TM on health. She has a BA in Sociology from Southern Arkansas University, and MA and PhD in Psychology from University of Michigan.